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Web-Based Work Practices in Dispersed Project Groups
H. W. Nicolajsen and R. Scheepers
Reference & Publication Year
Proceedings of the 25th Information Systems Research Seminar In Scandinavia (IRIS25), Bautahøj,Denmark, August 10-13., 2002
We examine the use and configuration of Web-based technologies
within dispersed project groups in the pharmaceutical sector. We focus
on configuration decisions about who can provide what content and who
can access what content and the different types of participation it
creates. In drawing on Wenger’s notion of communities of practice in our
analysis, our findings suggest that these configuration decisions have
indeed a significant influence on the extent to which web-based
technology becomes part of the ongoing work practices of dispersed
project groups. This is both as a mean to support activities within the
different communities of practice, but also in supporting interaction
between communities of practice. We argue that such configuration
decisions need to be very carefully considered as their impact can
constrain uses of the technology in work practices.