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Computer-supported Cooperative Work - and Learning
K. Schmidt
Reference & Publication Year
Invited keynote talk, Travail coopératif et NTIC en environnements
ouverts de formation, FREREF workshop, Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya, Barcelona, 9-10 July, 2001
The areas of computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW) and computer-supported
cooperative learning (CSCL) have co-existed next to each other for a long time. The
co-existence has been a peaceful one, but then again, the relationship between the two
fields has been characterized by little interaction.
It might therefore be timely to consider if this state of affairs is as it should be.
Some researchers believe that the two fields overlap to a very large extent, if not
totally. They point to the fact that the two fields deal with issues of concerted human
interaction and communication mediated by the same repertoire of basic computer-based
technologies. Others believe that the two fields, in spite of these similarities,
address rather different issues. I’m of the latter persuasion. In the following I will
give my reasons for believing so.
At the same time, however, I will point to issues of mutual interest to the two
fields. I will conclude by addressing the challenge of internet-based education.
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