DIWA Publication
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Articles and Book Chapters
Design for Dummies: Understanding Design Work in Virtual Workspaces
K.B. Bøving and Lone Hoffmann Petersen
Reference & Publication Year
Proceedings of PDC 2002, 2002
New IT artifacts and new ways of designing artifacts challenges the common
distinction between design and use. The extensive use of general packaged
software changes the conditions under which users influence the design
process of the IT artifact. We report from a longitudinal case study of the
introduction and use of a packaged web-based groupware product in a
financial services corporation. The case study is based both on interviews,
a questionnaire and http-log analysis. Our case study suggests that we need
to extend our understanding of IS-design as something that continues in what
we usually call the use situation. We propose to define this activity as
end-user design, and argue for the usefulness of the concept, drawing on
Wanda Orlikowskis notion of technology-in-practice.