DIWA Publication
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Corporate Intranet Implementation: Managing Emergent Technologies and
Organizational Practices
J. Bansler, J. Damsgaard, R. Scheepers, E. Havn and J. Thommesen
Reference & Publication Year
Journal of the Association for Information Systems (http://jais.isworld.org/contents.asp), 2000
This paper examines the adoption and development of Intranets in large
business organizations. The authors argue that Intranet technology
introduces a host of new managerial and technical challenges and
requires new approaches to IS development. Evidence from two European
corporations indicates that the traditional division of labor and
definition of work roles in IS development breaks down. The distinction
between developers and users becomes increasingly blurred and new
organizational roles and structures associated with the Intranet are
emerging. However, ready-made organizational models for implementing and
managing Intranets do not exist and the two organizations in this study
have adopted different approaches. One organization favors a ‘planned
change’ approach, emphasizing management control and careful planning.
The other organization prefers an ‘improvisational’ approach,
emphasizing experimentation, innovation and local initiative. Each
approach has significant advantages and drawbacks.